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Lodge 191 dates back to 1898, but the most recent history of this lodge goes back to 1951 when the lodge was reinstated with the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmith, Forgers and Helpers. For 70 years this elite union of qualified tradespeople has been involved in all types of projects in the shipyards from new construction, renovations and repair that has made their employers successful. Local 191 members have seen the up and downs of the shipyard industry and have supplied highly skilled tradespeople to our sister lodges in the heavy construction industry. This Union is founded on the principle of democracy where all workers are united to secure the working conditions you have today. Local 191 has been able to increase wages along with other benefits, union recognition & representation, hours of work, lunch & coffee breaks, probation, seniority, recall, vacations, bereavement pay, dirty money and welders gloves to name some of these benefits that the Union has achieved since Victoria Shipyard reopened in 1994 and becoming the sole bargaining agent for Victoria Shipyards. Read your collective agreement from cover to cover if you have not, it will explain what your employment package is. This collective agreement has been developed over the years due to the democratic values each of us agree to live under by joining the Union. Understand your rights and benefits, if you do not then employers will take those away from you. The members of Lodge 191 are the Union, the members elect an Executive Board and Business Manager from your ranks to represent you and take care of the affairs of the Union. You have work site leadership with your Stewards that can advise you on the collective agreement and be your witness when you need one. If you have a questions or concerns regarding the union or your place of work talk to your Executive Board members, your Steward or your Business Manager. Attend union meetings to express your viewpoint at the same time listen to other members. If you disagree with something within your Union, the union hall is the place to do that. Lodge 191 was reinstated by the members before you because they knew workers need to stand together to achieve the progress this lodge has achieved in 70 years it has been in operation. To Lodge 191, I wish you a Happy 70th Anniversary. I request that all members of this great lodge to take a moment and thank those member who came before us and left this legacy, International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Lodge 191.
Work Picture. If you have not registered your account on please do. The work picture for travel card work across the country will be busy in 2022, and 2023 . If you are looking for work, 359, 128, and 555 will be posting in for Job Calls. You will find that in the members section of the national web site. Lodge 146 has their own travel card online system; and they will be busy also.
Please note: All communication between the elected leadership of the union and members is private and not to be shared with people who are not members of the Union. It is none of their business. Work safe and be safe.
Richard MacIntosh
International Representative
The history of your trade and Lodge 191 runs deep on Vancouver Island and two people who lived and took the time to record that story are below and posted on
Click the links below to read their stories.
A Boilermaker’s Story: Percy W. Wilson
Percy tells his story of working the shipyards on the west coast of North America from 1900-1954.
Career of Bonnie Mar with Boilermakers 191 – 1968-2016
Bonnie tells the recent history of Local 191